Issue Archive
The End?
The Appendix sprang from a simple idea: a lot of what makes the past fascinating, human, and relevant ends up on history’s cutting room floor.
In creating and tracing illusions, we risk being caught ourselves.
Out Loud
Not all of the pieces in this “Out Loud?” will harmonize, but maybe that’s the point: there’s as much to learn in cacophony as in melody.
Off the Map
Our “Off the Map” issue explores a geography of absence and hidden traces.
Digging may seem like the simple act of moving dirt, but it has deep resonances.
It is very easy for history to float away into abstractions; but it is far harder for it to do so when we remember that history, no matter what, happens to bodies.
Futures of the Past
How have past generations imagined their collective futures—and how do we?
In Motion
There can be no sense of history without a sense of movement.