Announcing Monthly Subscriptions
Dear readers of The Appendix,
Just over a year ago, we launched the Appendix blog and began accepting subscriptions in preparation for The Appendix’s first issue, published December 21, 2012. Many of you were there in the earliest days; others have found us more recently. We remain grateful to all of you for your support and interest, and we’re writing to you today to notify you of our newly simplified subscription plan that provides expanded benefits at a lower price.
Starting today, we’re making subscriptions available for only $2 a month. You can subscribe now at:
In addition to a reduction in price of 25% or more from our previous quarterly or annual rates, the new plan will give readers who haven’t yet subscribed more flexibility in their commitment. As always, subscribers will receive high-production-value e-book editions of issues in advance of their general release, but now they will also be able to access web content before it is available to the general public. Additionally, our complete archive of e-book downloads for back issues will be available to subscribers regardless of when they start their subscriptions. This includes our special PDF editions (a prelude to our eventual goal of publishing in print as well as digitally), which include exclusives unavailable on the web, like handmade drop caps, pull quotes, and special illustrations.
In short, an active subscription to The Appendix gives you access to all content, new and old, as soon as it’s available and in all available formats: web, epub, mobi, and pdf.
We hope this change will encourage more of our readers to subscribe and help keep our entirely reader-supported endeavor afloat. Even if you can’t subscribe now, please consider sharing this option with friends, and signing up for our mailing list.
When we started The Appendix last year, we hoped we could make a place for quirky, complicated, often-longform history writing on the Internet, but knew it was a long shot. We’ve been overwhelmed and humbled by the excitement you’ve all shown us and can’t wait to share the next several issues, from Digs, to Bodies, to Futures of the Past. So thank you. We hope you’re with us for years Two through Fifty.
Warm regards from your Appendix co-founders,
Ben, Brian, Chris, and Felipe